Long have the ruins of the great city of Arden Vul sat desolate atop the great plateau overlooking Burdock's Valley.

But the inhabitants that riddle the caverns and halls beneath the Great Pyramid of Thoth have not been idle.

Join Jon, Mike, David, Matt, and Ted as they plumb the depths of the most ambitious megadungeon ever created!

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  • The Halls of Arden Vul Ep 97 - The Propulsion Problem

    The Halls of Arden Vul Ep 97 - The Propulsion Problem

    Delve 6 begins with a tiny goblin in a very big space, as Mort investigates the bizarre technology arrayed before him. A slumbering metal dragon presides, its tantalizing promise of flight spurring the AV Club's search for the means to wake it!

  • The Halls of Arden Vul Ep 98 - The Shining Beacon

    The Halls of Arden Vul Ep 98 - The Shining Beacon

    Much to the AV Club's delight, the rudishva had their own teleportation network. The scattered modules of the alien ship are merely a demolecularization away, and the hunt is on for the components necessary to activate LOAV-291.

  • The Halls of Arden Vul Ep 99 - Head Shrinking, AI-Style

    The Halls of Arden Vul Ep 99 - Head Shrinking, AI-Style

    The party's chipper conversation with the Beacon's resident therapist becomes unnerving in a frighteningly short span of time, but the AV Club is determined to meet her strict behavioral standards. After all, who else is going to explain all this science mumbo-jumbo?

  • The Halls of Arden Vul Ep 100 - Masters and Commanders

    The Halls of Arden Vul Ep 100 - Masters and Commanders

    What a long, strange trip it's been! For the campaign's century mark, The AV Club uncovers the powerful and strange secrets of the Rudishvan Bastion! Now outfitted with ultra-tech, they're ready to exercise some very real, very tangible power.

  • The Halls of Arden Vul Ep 101 - Bone Chucks N Harmony

    The Halls of Arden Vul Ep 101 - Bone Chucks N Harmony

    The party must confront ancient alien guardians in a desperate attempt to discover the location of the last piece of the LOAV puzzle: the all-important drive rod. What other cunning modes of transport did the rudishva devise, and will they lead to the Engine Chamber?

  • The Halls of Arden Vul Ep 102 - Shaft! You're Daaamn Right

    The Halls of Arden Vul Ep 102 - Shaft! You're Daaamn Right

    The party is intrigued by the techno-sorcerous transit shaft that plumbs 1100 feet through the heart of the Halls. Wiles are tested in the development of a safe plan, but soon the exploration of strange new realms ensues!