Long have the ruins of the great city of Arden Vul sat desolate atop the great plateau overlooking Burdock's Valley.
But the inhabitants that riddle the caverns and halls beneath the Great Pyramid of Thoth have not been idle.
Join Jon, Mike, David, Matt, and Ted as they plumb the depths of the most ambitious megadungeon ever created!
Looking for the Audio Podcast versions of these sessions?
The Halls of Arden Vul Ep 79 - Heavy is the Head
A piece of the Imperial Regalia has been captured, but it continues to exact a terrible toll on the AV Club. The party's number dwindles just as their new alliance shows signs of cracking!
The Halls of Arden Vul Ep 80 - The Blind Leading the Blind
A Beastman joins the party, and Mort seeks a cure for his mummy-induced blindness. Meanwhile, the clock is ticking on a perceived race to the Secret Library of Thoth! Will the AV Club get distracted? Yes. Yes they will.
The Halls of Arden Vul Ep 81 - The Lure of Forbidden Knowledge
The party suspects that a forgotten entrance to the Halls may not be so forgotten. Later, our heroes/fools take a leap of faith to find the Secret Library of Thoth!
The Halls of Arden Vul Ep 82 - Clairvoyance and Sans-voyance
The AV Club devises a plan to escape the Secret Library without a trace, but first they must contend with the lure of arcanum and a bizarre treatise. Turns out there are downsides to curiosity.
The Halls of Arden Vul Ep 83 - I.D. Please
The AV Club goes incognito in an attempt to curry favor among the powerful of Gosterwick, to mixed results. And Lo! The wonders of all their magical treasure is finally revealed! It's Downtime.. uh, time!
The Halls of Arden Vul Ep 84 - Pre-emptive Party Crashing
The AV Club wraps up their business in Gosterwick, flush with cash and intel courtesy of the Green Lady. But back in the Halls, a catastrophe has befallen their allies!
The Halls of Arden Vul Ep 85 - The Massacre of the Third Cohort
In her rage, an undead priestess has upended the delicate alliances that the AV Club has painstakingly forged. As the party picks through the bloody aftermath, the whereabouts of both Neferet and the witch Deino emerge as mysteries that require rapid solving.
The Halls of Arden Vul Ep 86 - Let There Be Light
The chase is on, as the party tries to keep up with an invisible stalker intent on hunting down the great mummy Neferet. Problem is, barreling through a dangerous dungeon at full speed can be bad for your health.
The Halls of Arden Vul Ep 87 - Say Your Prayers
The classic-style dungeon delving continues! With Plungertown finally lit and the baboons in hiding, it's time for some exploration and experimentation on the level that continues to entice the party with its secrets.
The Halls of Arden Vul Ep 88 - (Turning) Into the Woods
Call 555-AVCLUB for all your power-broking needs! Smooth tongues and incantations shift the balance of power on multiple dungeon levels, all in the span of mere hours! Witness the party play the factions like a fiddle, all to their benefit (they hope).
The Halls of Arden Vul Ep 89 - More Machine Now Than Man
It's back to Goblintown for poor, blind Lothar and his companions. He seeks the aid of the great Kerbog Khan in restoring his eye sight, but as we all know by now, "All deals must be sealed in blood!" What price will the archmage exact from the AV Club for such a miracle?
The Halls of Arden Vul Ep 90 - Witches Got Riches
The AV Club thinks they have the numbers, experience, and tactics to make mincemeat of the undead. All that's left is to find out what goodies Deino and her pets have stashed away!
The Halls of Arden Vul Ep 91 - Necromancers Float Down Here
As the AV Club finally enters the Great Fungal Caverns, their high-powered shenanigans break all the rules of classic dungeoneering. The party spellcasters go full gonzo in their attempts to navigate the spore-filled benighted forest!
The Halls of Arden Vul Ep 92 - Lord Ptarmis' Fungal Domain
Having secured unusual means to traverse the underground lake, the party explores hidden grottoes, glittering caves, and fungi-laden paths less-trodden. Dark structures loom out of the mushroom canopy, hinting at lost treasures and secrets! Does one of them lead to the legendary "Back Door" of the Halls?
The Halls of Arden Vul Ep93 - Shattered Minds and Familiar Faces
The AV Club learns much more about the infamous Lord Ptarmis from an unexpected primary souce, and discovers long-hidden and mind-bending secrets in the darkness of the Great Cavern's high spaces!
The Halls of Arden Vul Ep 94 - Steve
The players force Jon into his least favorite aspect of roleplaying, much to their delight. And the party starts to question if the route they've taken will lead them to the infamous Back Door, as they plunge ever deeper into the winding tunnels surrounding the Fungal Caverns!
The Halls of Arden Vul Ep 95 - A Redress of Egress
The megadungeon-crawling continues apace in 2025, as Sirs Gobliano and Cheek indulge in a beastman escort to the cliff-side Back Door! With the blessed sun nearly in sight, the question becomes what to do after retrieving their precious magical rug from town?
The Halls of Arden Vul Ep 96 - Disturbing the Peace
In an effort to lock down the Arden Cult's chambers as a private safe haven, the party inadvertently stumbles upon strange creatures that have a differing opinion on the AV Club's claim. In addition, a Rudishvan ID plaque is burning a hole in Mort's pocket, and he plans to use it.