Long have the ruins of the great city of Arden Vul sat desolate atop the great plateau overlooking Burdock's Valley.
But the inhabitants that riddle the caverns and halls beneath the Great Pyramid of Thoth have not been idle.
Join Jon, Mike, David, Matt, and Ted as they plumb the depths of the most ambitious megadungeon ever created!
Looking for the Audio Podcast versions of these sessions?
The Halls of Arden Vul Ep 61 - Down, Down to Goblin Town
At long last, the time has come for the AV Club to meet the great Goblin King Weskenim, and seal their alliance with a worthy tribute. On their journey down, however, they must first meet with the mighty Killik, the Big Boss of the Wet Caves!
The Halls of Arden Vul Ep 62 - In the Court of the Goblin King
The AV Club has gained an audience with the Great Goblin King! The party has already done much to please His Majesty, and they have further tribute to lay at his feet. Into what machinations will the King embroil the party? And more importantly, what rewards will he bestow upon them for their service?
The Halls of Arden Vul Ep 63 - A Changing of the Guard
Sir Sorrow has counseled the goblins for quite some time, but now relinquishes that role to the AV Club. The knight has her own advice for the party, and this results in a serious discussion about next steps, now that their base is secure.
The Halls of Arden Vul Ep 64 - The Return of Gerrilad the Grey
The AV Club stealthily returns to the Well of Light, with hopes of befriending a giant four-armed ape and perhaps ambushing the mad druid Gerrilad.
But, you know what they say about the best laid plans...
The Halls of Arden Vul Ep 65 - An Assassination... Attempt
The baboons are alert but unaware of the party's presence, and their tyrannical master is within sight. The plan is working so far. Now's the time for the AV Club to strike swiftly and with extreme prejudice. Will the dice play along?
The Halls of Arden Vul Ep 66 - How to Irritate a Druid
Mortus J. Gobliano must invisibly navigate monkey-infested halls to discover his companions' fates, free some would-be food, and generally make Gerrilad's life a waking nightmare. Say one thing about Mort: say he's got chutzpah!
The Halls of Arden Vul Ep 67 - Not Your Average Ambassadors
The AV Club assembles their team of ambassadors, with the intent to entreat with the beastmen on the Goblin King's behalf. But the lure of unexplored passageways is ever present, and the siren call of adventure is irresistible!
The Halls of Arden Vul Ep 68 - Filling in the Corners
Icky floating electro-pods are a bit off-putting, so the AV Club decides to investigate some of the nearby chambers in the Debouchement, filling in some long forgotten spots on their map. Then, it's off to meet with Count Skleros, Commander, 4th Kentarchia, 3rd Cohort, Imperial Tagmata!
The Halls of Arden Vul Ep 69 - Nice
It's Episode 69, dudes! Honorary Wyld Stallyn Upior has a ghostly encounter. Meanwhile, the rest of the AV Club does a solid for Count Skleros, and then attempts to contact Sir Simonet.
The Halls of Arden Vul Ep 70 - The Olds Gods and the New
The mysteries of both Thoth and Lysseon are revealed in very different yet spectacular fashion, as the Debouche goblins witness the true might of the AV Club. Down below, the Goblin King makes his nefarious plans known.
The Halls of Arden Vul Ep 71 - Those Devious Priests
The dynamic duo of Mort and Upior plunge eastward with the goal of putting Prior Jacobus’s ghost to rest. But delvin’ ain’t easy, and things take a turn…
The Halls of Arden Vul Ep 72 - Turning Undead... Into Cash Money!
The neophyte half-elf Titus joins the Club on their second attempt to put a poor soul to rest, and this time they're packing a cleric of Odin, as well! Find out what awards await those who do a kindness for the dead.
The Halls of Arden Vul Ep 73 - Why is My Butt Glowing?
Another dynamic duo episode! This time it's barbarian Wulfheard and cleric Lothar! Exploring the chambers abutting the Great Chasm, they encounter traps, mystic visions, secret passages, and inquisitive beastmen!
The Halls of Arden Vul Ep 74 - The Secret Tomb of Ptoh-Ristus
Avaricios and Titus are determined to find the treasure that they are convinced must lie beyond this area of traps and false doors, but not before paying the blood price for some valuable information.
The Halls of Arden Vul Ep 75 - They Really Tie the Room Together
Ptoh-Ristus, the Platonic ideal of the third wheel, was revered during his time, and has the funerary treasure to back it up. Never a party to get hung up on morals, the AV Club showcases the fine art of desecration.
The Halls of Arden Vul Ep 76 - Mother May I?
Avaricios has a very real and very immediate crisis of faith, while the rest of the AV Club is intent on hammering out the treaty between the beastmen and goblins. It's time to finally meet "Mother"!
The Halls of Arden Vul Ep 77 - Bamfing for the Lulz
The necromancer and the future Ptoh-Ristus visit the fungal hunting grounds of the famed Long Range Cavern Patrol, and then turn their wiles on shortcutting straight to the Iron Circlet of Ghanor!
The Halls of Arden Vul Ep 78 - Raise a Glass
What price is the AV Club willing to pay for extracting the Iron Circlet of Ghanor from its well-hidden and well-guarded resting place? The party brings their battle prowess to the fore in an attempt to claim the lost symbol of imperial authority!